Engage Crest

At the center of our life together is an individual apprenticeship to Jesus.  We engage  apprenticeship through community, spiritual formation, and mission. Click on the tabs below to learn how best to engage.


Starting Point

We recommend everyone start here.  Starting Point is a welcome luncheon where you meet other people, get to know pastors and staff, and learn more about the vision, values, and culture of Crest. Food & drinks are provided following our worship gathering.

Home Church

If you've been a part of a 'small group' before, you've got most of the idea. Sometimes we'll use ‘home church' and 'small group' interchangeably.
Critically important however is the vision of home church as the church around a table (community), engaging their city (mission), & practicing the Way of Jesus (formation) out life together, care for one another and discover the unique ways God has created us to thrive in community.


Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith, typically run over eleven weeks. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. Alpha is run all around the globe, and everyone is welcome.


Formation Check-In Tool

This document is designed to help remind us of practical things we can do to grow spiritually while being part of Crest Community Church. Far from scientific, this tool is simply designed to help us reflect on various ways we can actively partner with God in our own growth as apprentices of Jesus. 

Life Transformation Groups

A life transformation group (LTG) is a simple way to release the most essential elements of a vital spiritual walk in people who need Jesus to change their lives from the inside out. It is a grassroots tool for growth which encourages and supports people to follow Christ by fueling internal motivation rather than applying external pressures and ploys. This tool empowers the common Christian to accomplish the uncommon work of reproducing spiritual disciples who can in turn reproduce others.

Home Church

We encourage everyone to find a home church that fits them well and commit to it.
Home Church Vision
church around a table
We want each home church to be a lamp in its
neighborhood - a place of hospitality, belonging, and healing
missional community
We want each home church to reach & engage their friends & neighbors
practicing the way of Jesus
We want home church to be a place that fosters lifelong disciples of Jesus



Whether on Sundays, or through prayer, or work around our facilities, you can make a difference!

Lead/Host a Home Church

Offer your home as a gathering place, or become a home church elder.

Throw a Block Party

After you've met a few of your neighbors, Crest will help plan, organize, and cater your neighborhood block party, so you can focus completely on loving your neighbors.

Become a Regular Tither

Regular Tithers fuel over 85% of our mission. We are a community that is growing in generosity - the way of the Kingdom.