
Every Sunday, we're blessed by a team of educators who plan creative and interractive lessons that convey the truth and love of Jesus. Most of our teachers are full time educators in their day jobs.

A few times each year, we look forward to 'Jubilee Sundays', where our kids are included in the worship service and we enjoy intergenerational worship.

What we are learning!

The virtue focus for June and July is joy: choosing to celebrate what God is doing. More than being excited about good things happening to us, joy involves trusting God no matter what is going on in our lives. We can always look to Jesus as an example of deep joy and trust in God’s plan. Our guiding verse is Proverbs 17:22 - “a cheerful heart makes you healthy, but a broken spirit dries you up.” Let’s pray that God would grow us and our kids in getting to know a Jesus-centered joy this summer!

Here for you as you parent in the way of Jesus.

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