Home Church

Home Church is where we get to ask questions, figure out life together, care for one another and discover the unique ways God has created us to thrive in community.

Current Home Churches

Rest, Celebration & Service built into the rhythm
Tentative 2025 Calendar
• April 5 |
Serve Day
• August 23 | 
• October 18 | 
Serve Day

Current Communities

Canyon Crest (Riverside)
Leaders: Kent And Kelly Byer
Meeting time: Every other Sunday at 6pm
Starting February 16th, 6pm
Presidential Park (Riverside)
Leaders: Kevin and Kay Marie Brennfleck
Meeting Time: In-Person/Virtual

Victoria Neighborhood 
Leaders: Cat and Mark Gordon
Meeting Time: Sunday nights Dinner at 5pm, Discussion at 6pm (Childcare provided)
Starting February 23rd, 5pm
University Young Adults  22-35
Leaders: Alan and Beth Claassen Thrush
Meeting Time :
We are after holistic transformation - ours and our city's - through life together with God and other people over time.

Interested in hosting  Home Church?